It’s easy to find tips on how to improve your marketing, but it’s not as easy to find tips that you can easily apply today. Of course you want to do whatever it takes to see better results with your email marketing campaign, but you only have so many hours to work on it.
Today, we’re guiding you through 10 ways you can improve your account NOW. In fact, most of you will be able to have this done by lunch.
1. Make Sure Your Sign Up Form Mentions Your Email List
Do you offer a free guide or other material to visitors who fill out your form? If so, make sure you highlight that it’s a bonus – the emails are the real reason they should be signing up.
Why do this: If people aren’t 100% sure what will happen when they give you their information, that puts you at risk for spam complaints or people who simply aren’t going to read your emails, both of which can cause problems with getting your emails delivered.
How to do it in AWeber: All you need to do is make the change on the Web Forms page in your account. It will automatically update if you use the Javascript snippet on your site. If you used the raw HTML, you should change the form in your account, but you’ll need to repaste the code in your website. Before you do, make sure you take care of #2 and #3 on this list, as they also require changes in this section.
2. Change That “Submit” button
Most sign up forms have a button that says “Submit” for when visitors are finished entering their information. Nothing wrong with it. It gets the job done. But it could be something else, too.
Why change it: Small changes, especially with the words you use in your call to action, can make a big difference. For example:
Visual Website Optimizer published this test by Veeam. “Request pricing” brought in a 161.6% increase in clicks. Veeam surveyed their audience and found that most people wanted an easier way to find pricing on the site. This test confirmed by changing “quote” to “pricing” that people were looking for that word.
How to do it in AWeber: Make the changes in the Web Forms page in your account. It will automatically update if you use the Javascript snippet on your site. If you used the raw HTML, you should change the form in your account, but you’ll need to repaste the code in your website.
3. Let Visitors Know The Form Submission Was Successful
After someone submits their information in your form, something has to happen. If the page simply reloads, that can be confusing. Did the form work? Make sure it’s clear to new subscribers they have successfully submitted their information.
Why this is important: You want to keep people interacting with your website, but not at the expense of having them try to submit their information multiple times. You can create a special page just for new submissions. It doesn’t need a lot of copy; just enough to explain what happened.
How to do it in AWeber: You can enter the URL of a custom thank-you or landing page in Step 2 of the Web Forms page. If you can’t quickly create your own page, use one of ours. Full instructions available here.
4. Send Subscribers To A Custom Confirmation Success page
People just added to your list will get a confirmation message. They are required to click a link to confirm they want to receive your emails and that link has to do something.
Why a custom page: They just confirmed, so they’re obviously interested. Take advantage of that!Tim Carter did… and got profits climbed over $11,000 in 16 months.
How to do it in AWeber: First, create a page just for this and then enter the URL of that page in the List Settings of your account.
5. Include Social Sharing Buttons In Your Emails
Social media has made it so referrals are no longer done on a one-to-one basis, but a one-to-hundreds basis or even more. You should make it easy for them to accomplish this.
Why social sharing buttons: With just a click, people can share your emails on the social media platform of their choice. It’s free advertising for you!
How to do it in AWeber: In the drag-and-drop message editor, just drop in the “Sharing” icon, pick which networks you want to include and indicate what you’d like to have shared (the email or a custom link). Read step-by-step instructions here.
6. Include A Link To A Web Version For All Emails
You’ve probably noticed at the top of some of the emails your receive a link that says something like “View in browser.” That link allows you to view the email as a web page.
Why it’s good to have: Some people prefer to click on that rather than turn on images in their email. If it’s important they see all the content you have presented, it’s good to offer this option.
How to do it in AWeber: Use the Personalization button in the drag-and-drop editor and select “Archived Web Version” or insert {!archive_url} as the link for the “View online here” text.
7. Link Your Blog To Your Email List
Instead of taking the time to create both a blog post and an email from scratch, you can set it up so your blog posts get turned into emails automatically. You can then set it up so the emails are sent automatically or you can go in and add some things before sending.
Why this is great: Doing this will ensure content will be sent to your subscribers regardless of how busy your life is. It’s incredibly easy to set up and people that use this feature report it brings more traffic to their website.
How to do it in AWeber: This feature is called the “Blog Broadcast” and it can be found under the Messages tab. Full instructions are detailed here.
8. Include A Sign Up Form In Your Archive
An archive lets you store as many emails as you want in one place and visitors can click to see your emails as web pages. You can include a sign up form on your archive page so visitors can also sign up to receive your emails.
Here’s what it looks like:
Why this is a must: If people are visiting your archive, they must be interested in your content. If they like what they see, they’ll want to sign up. Instead of directing them to click on a bunch of links before getting to a sign up form, reduce the barriers by letting them do it right there.
How to do it in AWeber: In the List Settings of your account, there’s a checkbox to include a form in your archive. You can find more details about setting up the archive here.
9. Send An Email To People Not Opening
Not everyone will open your emails, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t interested. Fortunately, you can send a reminder email to people who haven’t opened as a way to get them caught up.
Why you should do this: It’s pretty much guaranteed to boost your results. Different time zones, schedules and other factors may cause someone not to open your email the first time, but sending another one on a different day and time could do the trick. You’re bound to catch some of the ones you missed the first time.
How to do it in AWeber: When you open a sent broadcast, you have the option to look at unopens. From here, you can click to send an email to these subscribers, and this will take you to the message editor. This new email will be pre-set to send to unopens only. Full instructions here.
10. Put Your Brand On Everything
Every page and every email you control gives you the opportunity to put your logo up for people to see. Make sure you do it!
Why this is important: You want people to be able to easily recognize your business instantly. People like familiarity; if your brand becomes familiar, they’re more likely to be loyal.
How to do this in AWeber: For your archive and unsubscribe pages, you can set this up in the List Settings page. For emails, use the drag-and-drop editor to drop in your logo and it will also be saved in your gallery.
Now Go Do It!
It’s great that you’re reading what you should be doing, but the actual results come from doing the work. You know what you need to do – so do it!
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