Let me try and keep this simple, I don’t call myself an expert or a guru, but I’ve been building sites that make money for a long time. I learned to make money by creating websites, writing all my own content, and ranking for keywords and phrases on a very small budget. I did this all in one of the most competitive (and highest paying) marketing online, Gambling. Fact is, if you can make money in the gambling market, then you can make money in almost any market.
My approach to on-page SEO has always remained the same, and that’s the SEO Checklist I use (below) – I spent many years in the corporate world, where “buzz” words are the norm. But one old saying stuck with me and I repeat to my kids often. Keep it Simple Stupid – KISS
Maximize your meta tags. Make them keyword-rich with unique meta tags for each page of the site:
- Title Tags
- Description Tags
- Keyword Tags (Although google Doesn’t check KW’s anymore, remember google isn’t the only SE).
- Content is king – Make sure all of your pages contain solid content. The home page is your most visible page and should also contain you most important key phrases.
- Keep the home page content fresh – Changing content on the home page gives the engines more to feed on.
- Keep it Fresh! – Be sure and Display a “Date” or “Update On” spot on each page. Trust me
- Flash Sucks! - Why is anyone still using flash? – Flash is great for presentations, and games. But full flash sites are tough for a search engine to read. Try using some HTML text in addition to flash to give search engines some content they can read and index.
- Create internal links – Use strong key phrases in hyperlink text that point to various pages within the site. It’s like setting cookie crumbs on every page so the hungry spiders will follow the crumbs.
- Images – Use the alt tag on all pictures to tag photos with key phrases. Name the image file with the key phrases too. Key info can be display even if image loading is off. The alt tag appears in code for search engines to read and to the human eye on photos when you scroll your mouse over an image.
- Go back to basics. The H1 and H2 heading tags are used back when sites were hand coded -Web designers don’t need this anymore but search engines can see the H code phrases in headlines, which boosts visibility.
- Content is king but Keep it simple, stupid - The best website copy is easy for a surfer to comprehend and it’s easy for engines to detect. Be clear with key phrases in copy whenever you can.
- Standardize your url’s – You know that http://yoursite.coom and are the same but search engines may not know this. If your URL’s don’t point to one main domain, which is basically considered cheating. Make sure your webmaster picks a path and sets what is known as a 301 redirect.
- Site Maps – Create an HTML sitemap with text links with strong key phrases to boost content and links. A Sitemap is basically a table of contents for the engines to crawl. Also create and submit XML site maps with Google Webmaster Tools.
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