On Site SEO Category
SEO Element
Meta Tag Best Practices
Head Section Order
Correct order for your Meta Tags is: Title > Description > Keywords.
Title Tag
This is the wording for the link to your site that shows at the top of the Google search result. It is also the wording in the tab of the browser. It should be 70 Characters or less, unique to each page, and begin with the most important keywords
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Description Tag
This is what shows in the search results under the title, and should be 160 characters. While most SEO's will tell you that it has no direct effect on ranking, making it keyword rich is still a good idea as these words will show up in bold if they are part of the search query. You can also use this element to increase Click Through rate by using an engaging description for your site.
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Keywords Tag
Although keywords supposedly aren't a ranking metric anymore, it's still best practice to include them.
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rel=author Tag
The rel=author tag allows your Google+ profile to show in search results. As a rule of thumb, bigger brighter results get a higher Click Through Rate because they catch the eye, and Click Through Rate is a search ranking factor.
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Content Best Practices
Keyword Research
Make sure you've done your keyword research. Again, make sure you've done your keyword research! Measure twice, cut once :)
Keyword Use
Once you've done your keyword research and determined what keywords you want to target, make sure you use them in your Title, Description, Headers, Body, URL, Alt Tags, everywhere.
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Header Tags
Header tags, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. should be used to add structure to you page, indicating significant text for both search engines and users alike.
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High Quality Content
Create high quality content people want to link to! As a rule of thumb, create content that is useful and valuable.
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No Duplicate Content
Don't duplicate your own content and especially don't duplicate others content. Write your own, it really doesn't take long, and your search engine rankings will be happy you did.
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Overall Word Count
Recommended word count varies, but try to shoot for a 400 word minimum.
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Internal Links
Use fully qualified links like http://www.example.com/example-page instead of relative links like ../../example-page.
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Image Alt Tags
Using image alt tags not only gives you another great place to add your keywords, as well as opening up your website to Google Image Search, but the American with Disabilities Act says you should always describe the image on the page for the vision impaired. Alt attributes also allow you to validate your HTML code with w3.org.
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Use Text Not Images of Text
Search Engine Crawlers can't read images, that's why you use alt tags, so use when possible, use actual text instead of images of text.
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Navigation Best Practices
Site Map
Site maps are maps of the layout of your site that give web crawlers a concise link structure to follow while indexing your site. You should have both an HTML site map link on every page as well as an XML site map you submit to search engines. Make sure the site map has fully qualified URL's.
Breadcrumb Navigation
Breadcrumbs are another type of simplified navigation that are useful for visitors and web crawlers. They help show themes and hierarchy between your content.
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Text Navigation
Ideally you have text navigation and not flash or JavaScript menus, although site maps and breadcrumbs do make this less of an issue.
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Server Errors
Fix 404's and other server errors. These can easily be found using Webmaster Tools.
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Correct URL Redirects
Use 301 permanent redirects to show preferred URL's and prevent search engines from splitting up the authority of your pages.
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URL Best Practices
Dashes vs. Underscores in URL's
Always use dashes instead of underscores to separate words in URL's. If there is concern with marketing the URL's verbally, you can use non-hyphenated versions of the URL's in offline campaigns like mailers and radio, and have those URL's redirect to the hyphenated ones!
Static Pages
Dynamic Pages like http://www.examples.com/forums/thread.php?threadid=12345&sort=date are confusing to search engines, hard for people to remember, and all around bad SEO news. Use a static page like http://www.example.com/seo-checklist-2012. See, isn't that so much better?
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Static Home Page
Depending on the nature of your site, you may or may not want a static home page. If you sell one product, you'll want to keep static or similar search optimized content on your home page, if however, you have a constantly rotating stock or are a news site, changing content is the name of the game!
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Server Side
Robots.txt File
The Robots.txt file tells the search engine spiders what not to index. Use it to deliberately exclude content you don't want indexed like duplicate content. just make sure you don't accidentally exclude anything important!
Externalize JavaScript and CSS Code
Site loading speed is a Google ranking factor. Speed up your page load times by loading your JavaScript and CSS code.
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Mobile Search Engine Optimization
Mobile Friendly Responsive Layout
Mobile users hate websites that present a bad mobile experience and will bounce faster than you can say 'Is that Flash?'. A responsive layout means your website will automatically resize to different screens like laptops, phones and tablets. This decreases bounce rate, leading to better ranking by Google.
Web Analytics
Installed Google Analytics
OK, while this one doesn't specifically help your search engine ranking, you still want to measure the Return On Investment of all of your marketing campaigns, including your SEO campaign, right? Google Analytics is awesome. It's free, integrates with the rest of Google's products, and let's you easily measure the ROI of your SEO spend.
Follow Search Engine Guidelines
Google Quality Guidelines
Google SEO Guide
Reference :: jamesjosephmarketing.com
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