• Username – In tweets, you often see Twitter usernames preceded by @. Including this symbol creates
a link to the user’s profile on Twitter.
• Retweet – Twitter users can retweet a message to forward it to all of their Twitter followers. Retweets
begin with RT.
• Reply – A reply is a public response to a tweet. The Twitter username of the recipient begins the reply.
• Direct Message – Commonly known as a DM, a direct message is a personal message sent to
someone. It requires that both the sender and the recipient follow each other, and it is not publicly
visible. The message begins with a D and is followed by the username of the message recipient.
• Mention – A mention occurs when a Twitter user references your brand. Any tweet with your brand’s
Twitter username is a mention.
• Follower – A follower is someone who follows your brand on Twitter. Followers receive your tweets, so it is important to grow your follower count.
• Hashtag – Hashtags include text following a #. Hashtags highlight keywords or topics in a tweet.
Twitter users often search by hashtag to find all tweets related to a topic.
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